Academic Calendar
1. School of Education
Master of Education (MEd) Bachelor of Education (BEd) Certificate in Education (CEd)
2. School of Business
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 151 Semester (2nd and 4th Levels)
BBA 161 Semester (1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Levels)
BBA 162 semester (2nd Level)
BBA 171 Semester (1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Levels)
BBA 172 Semester (2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th Levels)
BBA 181 Semester (1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Levels)
BBA 182 Semester (2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th Levels)
BBA 191 Semester (1st, 3rd, 5th & 7th Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 152 semester ( 1st and 3rd Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 161 semester (2nd and 4th Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 162 semester (1st and 3rd Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 171 semester ( 2nd and 4th Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 172 semester (1st and 3rd Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 181 semester ( 2nd and 4th Levels)
Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA 182 semester ( 1st and 3rd Levels)
MBA 162 semester
MBA 171 semester
MBA 172 semester
MBA 181 semester
MBA 182 semester
3. School of Social Science, Humanities and Languages (SSHL)
BA/BSS, BA(Hons), BSS(Hons), LLB(Hons)
4. School of Science and Technology (SST)
DCSA 1st semester (January-June 2015)
DCSA 3rd semester (2014 batch)
DCSA (January-June 2018)
BSc in computer Science (2nd semester, 2013-2014 session)
MPH, 1st semester, 2017-2018 session
MPH, 2nd semester, 2018 session
MPH, 1st semester, 2019 session
MDMR, 2nd semester, 2019
MDMR, 2nd semester, 191 term, 2019
5. School of Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD)
BAgEd (2014-2015 session, 142, 151, 152 term), CLP (142, 151, 152 term),
CPFP (142, 151, 152 term) and DYDW(151, 152 term)
6. Open School
SSC (all academic year)
HSC ( 2015 and 2016) HSC (Niche-1, 2015) BBS
HSC (2016 and 2017) HSC (Niche-1, 2017
HSC (Niche-1, 2018)
HSC (Niche-1, 2020)