Subject | Reference No. | Date
BBA 182 semester, 4th & 8th level: Viva-voce (Online) schedule
| BOU/ sob/ 2020/ 10898 | 07/09/2020 |
CEMBA/ CEMPA 181 semester: Project paper presentation & Viva schedule
| BOU/ sob/ 2020/ 10896 | 06/09/2020 |
Postponed notice of HSC 2020 exam including all running exam
| BOU/ exam/ hsc/ 134/ 99/ 8040 | 24/03/2020 |
Postponed notice of all BOU exam
| 127/ BOU/ exam/ mba/ part-3/ 99/ 7975 | 16/03/2020 |
Postponed notice of BEd practical exam
| BOU/ soe/ bed/2 (96)/08/ 118 | 16/03/2020 |
Corrected exam schedule of BA, BSS & Law (Hons) program-2019
| 435/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ 2012/ 7948 | 12/03/2020 |
Exam schedule of CPCL program
| BOU/ exam/ Chinese language/ 549/ 2016/ 7945 | 12/03/2020 |
Exam schedule of HSC- 2020 program
| BOU/ exam/ hsc/ 134/ 99/ 7879 | 04/03/2020 |
Exam schedule of MBA program, 182 term
| 127/ BOU/ exam/ mba/ part-3/ 99/ 7771 | 23/02/2020 |
Corrected exam schedule of BA, BSS & Law (Hons) program-2019
| 435/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ 2012/ 7736 | 19/02/2020 |
Exam schedule of MA & MSS (Preliminary and Final) program- 2019
| 545/BOU/ exam/ ma/ mss/ 2016/ 7711 | 13/02/20202 |
Corrected exam schedule of M.Phil program (SoB)
| BOU/ exam/ mphil/ 2019/ 630/ 7658 | 09/02/2020 |
Exam schedule of M.Phil, Ph.D program (SoE)
| BOU/ exam/ mphil/ 2019/ 630/ 7647 | 06/02/2020 |
Corrected exam schedule of SSC -2020 program
| 106/ BOU/ exam )ssc)/ schedule/ 97/ 7495 | 23/01/2020 |
Exam Re-schedule of CSE program, 182 term
| BOU/ exam/ cse/ 504 (01)/ 2014/ 7482 | 22/01/2020 |
Exam schedule of PGDMU program, 192 term
| BOU/ exam/ pgdmu/ 611 (01)/ 2018/ 7359 | 09/01/2020 |
Exam schedule of M. Phil program- 2020
| BOU/ exam/ m. phil/ 2019/ 630/ 7341 | 07/01/2020 |
Exam schedule of MSARL program, July- Dec. 2019 semester
| BOU/ exam/ msarl/ exam schedule/ 641/ 2019/ 7317 | 05/01/2020 |
Exam schedule of BSc in CSE 182 & 191 term
| BOU/ exam/cse/ 504 (01)/ 2014/ 7279 | 01/01/2020 |
Exam schedule of PGDM/ CIM program, 191 term
| BOU/ exam/ pgdm/ 70/ 1995 (part-4)/ 7243 | 29/12/2019 |
Exam schedule of CEMBA/ CEMPA, 181 term
| 226/ BOU/ exam/ cemba/ cempa/ confidential / 2003/ 7136 | 15/12/2019 |
Extended date for Re-exam fee of MA/MSS & LLB (02 years) program
| 435/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ 2012/ 7148 | 10/12/2019 |
Exam schedule of CSE 181 term ( 4th year 1st semester)
| BOU/ exam/ cse/ 504 (01)/ 2014/ 7140 | 10/12/2019 |
Exam Re-schedule of DCSA program, 191 term
| BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (03)/ 2006/ 7051 | 28/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of MBA (Bangla Medium) program, 192 term | BOU/ exam/ mba (bangla medium)/ 635 (02)/ 2019/ 7043 | 27/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of MDMR 191 & 192 terms
| BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (03)/ 2017/ 6984 | 24/11/2019 |
Exam Schedule of MPH program, 192 term, 1st & 3rd semester
| BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603 (01)/ 2018/ 6955 | 19/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of SSC program
| 106/ BOU/ exam (ssc)/ schedule/ 97/ 6922 | 17/11/2019 |
Corrected exam schedule of DCSA program, 191 term
| BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (03)/ 2006/ 6905 | 13/11/2019 |
Exam Re-schedule of BAgEd program, 191 term
| BOU/ exam/ baged/ general/ 627/ 2019/ 6896 | 11/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of DYDW program, 192 term
| 129/ BOU/ exam/ dydw/ 99/ 6889 | 07/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of CPFP program, 192 term
| 129/ BOU/ exam/ dydw/ 99/ 6889 | 07/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of CLP program, 192 term
| 129/ BOU/ exam/ dydw/ 99/ 6889 | 07/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of BBA exam 182 term
| 301/ BOU/ exam/ bba/ general/ 2007/ 6867 | 05/11/2019 |
Exam schedule of MS in Agronomy, MS in Entomology, MS in IWM, MS in Aquaculture
| BOU/ exam/ sard/ ms/ 607/ 2018/ 6842 | 03/11/2019 |
Exam Re-schedule (2nd) of BEd program-2019
| BOU/ exam/ bed (tqi)/ 330/ 2009/ 6718 | 30/10/2019 |
Exam Re-schedule of BEd program-2019
| BOU/ exam/ bed (tqi)/ 330/ 2009/ 6718 | 24/10/2019 |