October 14, 2024

Result News

Result news

For Final GPA Result Please Visit:bouresult.com

For In detail, Year-wise and Semester-wise Result Sheet, please visit: http/bouresult.com

For only BAgEd / LAW / MA / MSS Semester-wise result & Gazette

SMS Result:
To get B.Ed,BA/BSS, BBA, SSC, HSC Result by Mobile, Go to mobile message option and type –

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Note: Student_Id must be  Digits without (-) character and Message must be written in English Format.

SubjectReference No.Date
MPhil & PhD, SoE: 1st year 2019 result published blinking
BOU/ exam/ mphil & phd/ 2019/ 629/ 880602/12/2020
MPhil, SoB: 1st year 2019 result published blinking
BOU/ exam/ mphil/ 2019/ 630/ 880502/12/2020
BA & BSS (Hons): 182 term result published blinking
520/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ result/ 2015/ 8804 (2)02/12/2020
MA & MSS : 2019 (June) result published blinking
545/ BOU/ exam/ ma/ mss/ 2016/ 8803(2)02/12/2020
CSE: 182 term & 191 term result published blinking
BOU/ exam/ cse (hons)/ 504 (03)/ 2014/ 314302/12/2020
CSE: 191 term result published blinking
BOU/ exam/ cse (hons)/ 504 (03)/ 2014/ 857727/10/2020
BA & BSS program: Complaint result of 2018 exam blinking
246/ bou/ exam/ ba/ bss/ 2003/ 847806/10/2020
MDMR : 192 term result published blinking
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 842728/09/2020
MDMR: 191 term result published blinking
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 817727/09/2020
Ms in Aquaculture: 2nd semester (Jan-June 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ aquaculture/ 615 (01)/ 2018/ 841327/09/2020
Ms in Aquaculture: 1st semester (July-Dec. 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ aquaculture/ 615 (01)/ 2018/ 841227/09/2020
Ms in Agronomy: 1st semester (July-Dec. 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ agronomy/ 614 (01)/ 2018/ 841127/09/2020
Ms in Agronomy: 2nd semester (Jan-June 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ agronomy/ 614 (01)/ 2018/ 841027/09/2020
Ms in Entomology: 2nd semester (Jan-June 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ entomology/ 612 901)/ 2018/ 840927/09/2020
Ms in Entomology: 1st semester (July-Dec. 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ entomology/ 612 901)/ 2018/ 840827/09/2020
MIWM program: 1st semester (July-Dec. 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ iwm/ 613 (01)/ 2018/ 840727/09/2020
MIWM program: 2nd semester (Jan-June 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ iwm/ 613 (01)/ 2018/ 840627/09/2020
MSARL program: 1st semester (July-Dec. 2019) result published 
BOU/ exam/ msarl/ result/ 642/ 2019/ 840327/09/2020
BEd program: 191 term result published 
46/ bou/ exam/ bed/ 93/ 827308/09/2020
MA program: Result published, 2019 (June) 
545/ BOU/ exam/ ma/ mss/ 2016/ 827508/09/2020
MPH : 191 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603 (02)/ 2018/ 822001/09/2020
PGDMU : 192 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ pgdmu/ 611 (02)/ 2018/ 821401/09/2020
MBA (Evening): Summer-2019 semester result published 
BOU/ exam/ mba (evening)/ 596/ 201/ 820931/08/2020
MDMR : 192 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 817827/08/2020
MDMR : 191 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 817727/08/2020
CALP :182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ calp/81/ 94/ part-1 (ka)/ 801919/03/2020
Honors : 182 term result published 
520/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ result/ 2015/ 801619/03/2020
CSE : 172 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ cse (hons)/ 504 (03)/ 2014/ 800118/03/2020
BAgEd :182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ baged/ result publish/ 389/ 2011/ 799518/03/2020
MEd : 182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ med/ 143/ 99/ 789304/03/2020
DCSA :182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (04)/ 2006/ 788204/03/2020
MBA (Evening): Spring-2019 semester result published 
BOU/ exam/ mba (evening)/ 596/ 201/ 734908/01/2020
MA & MSS program : 2nd batch 2nd semester & 3rd batch 2nd semester result published 
545/ BOU/ exam/ ma/ mss/ 2016/ 734708/01/2020
PGDMU : 191 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ pgdmu/ 611 (02)/ 2018/ 724019/12/2019
SSC (Niche-1) 2019: result published 
BOU/ exam/ ssc (niche-1)/ 548 (04)/ 2016/ 723419/12/2019
HSC (Niche-1) 2019 : result published 
BOU/ exam/ hsc (niche-1)/ 503 (04)/ 2014/ 723319/12/2019
DYDW :191 term result published 
129/ BOU/ exam/ dydw/ 99/ part-1/ 716917/12/2019
CSE : 172 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ cse (hons)/ 504 (03)/ 2014/ 714315/12/2019
CPFP : 191 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ cpfp/ result / 406/ 2011/ 706901/12/2019
CSE : 182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ cse (hons)/ 504 (03)/ 2014/ 706801/12/2019
MPH : 182 term, 1st semester result published 
BOU/ exam/ mph/ 603 (02)/ 2018/ 699324/11/2019
PGDMU 182 term, 1st semester result published 
BOU/ exam/ pgdmu/ 611 (02)/ 2018/ 697821/11/2019
LLB (Evening), 1st batch, 4th semester result published 
546/ BOU/ exam/ llb (evening)/ 2016/ 6863 (1)05/11/2019
BA & BSS (Hons.) 181 term result published 
520/ BOU/ exam/ hons/ result/ 2015/ 6862 (1)05/11/2019
CLP 191 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ clp/ result/ 409/ 2011/ 684303/11/2019
MDMR 182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 678929/10/2019
MDMR 191 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 678829/10/2019
MBA (Evening) result published 
BOU/ exam/ mba (evening)/ 596/ 201/ 678024/10/2019
BBS 2018 result published 
BOU/ exam/ bbs/ result/ 313/ 2008/ 671422/10/2019
CCLP 191 term result published 
549/ BOU/ exam/ chinese language/ 2016/ 665115/10/2019
BAgEd 181 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ baged/ result/ 389/ 2011/ 649218/09/2019
HSC 2019 result published 
BOU/ exam/ hsc/ result/ 134/ 98/ 645315/09/2019
DCSA 181 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ dcsa/ 109 (04)/ 2006/ 618507/08/2019
MSS (3rd batch, 1st semester) result published 
545/ BOU/ exam/ ms/ mss/ 2016/ 617806/08/2019
MDMR (181 term, 1st year, 2nd semester) result published 
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 617606/08/2019
BBA 172 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ bba/ result/ 286/ 2006/ 615904/08/2019
CPFP 182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ cpfp/ result/ 406/ 2011/ 608429/07/2019
DYDW 182 term result published 
129/ BOU/ exam/ dydw/ 99/ part-1/ 598721/07/2019
MS in Entomology 2018 result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ entomology/ 612 (01)/ 2018/ 576202/07/2019
MS in Aquaculture 2018 result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ aquaculture/ 615(01)/ 2018/ 576102/07/2019
MS in Agronomy 2018 result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ agronomy/ 614 (01)/ 218/ 576002/07/2019
MS in Irrigation and Water Management -2018 result published 
BOU/ exam/ ms/ iwm/ 613(01)/ 2018/ 575902/07/2019
CLP 182 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ clp/ result/ 409/ 2011/ 577102/07/2019
MA & MSS -2018 semester wise result published 
545/ BOU/ exam/ ma/ mss/ 2016/ 566930/06/2019
MDMR 172 term result published 
BOU/ exam/ mdmr/ 571 (05)/ 2017/ 515830/06/2019
SSC 2019 result published 
BOU/ exam/ ssc/ 119/ 2000/ 543713/06/2019
Revised SSC (Niche-1) result published 
BOU/ exam/ ssc (niche-1) 548 (04)/ 2016/ 505812/05/2019
Revised HSC (Niche-1) result published  
BOU/ exam/ hsc (niche-1)/ 503 (04)/ 2014/ 505712/05/2019
BEd 2018 term result published 
46/BOU/ exam/ bed/ 93/ 504909/05/2019
CEMBA/ CEMPA 171 term result published 
226/ BOU/ exam/ cemba/ cempa/ 2003/ part-2/ 465203/04/2019
CCLP 182 term result published 
549/ BOU/ exam/ china language/ 2016/ 480707/04/2019
CALP 172 term result published 
549/ BOU/ exam/ calp/ 2016/ 480602/04/2019
CSE 172 term course wise result published 
BOU/ exam/ cse (hons)/ 504 (03)/ 2014/ 436712/03/2019
CEMBA/ CEMPA 162 result published 
226/ BOU/ exam/ cemba/ cempa/ 2003/ part-2/ 432107/03/2019
BBA 172 result published 
BOU/ exam/ bba/ result/ 286/ 2006/ 417127/02/2019
BAgEd 172 result published 
BOU/ exam/ result/ 389/ 201120/01/2019
HSC-2018 (Niche-1) result published 
BOU/ exam/ hsc (niche-1)/ 503 (04)/ 2014/ 357409/01/2019
SSC-2018 (Niche-1) result published 
BOU/ exam/ssc (niche-1)/ 548 (04)/ 2016/ 357309/01/2019